What I’ve Learned From My Sister

Sisters in Visalia

My little (and only) sister turns 30 today. That is so crazy to me. She’s Colleen, my little sister, how can she be 30??

Well as Aaliyah sang, Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number, and my sister embodies that truth. She may have entered adulthood long ago and must take care of the responsibilities that come along with it, but her spirit and spunk is that of someone a decade younger.


And I love her so much for it.


Colleen and I are incredibly close. She makes me laugh all the time. And I really can’t find fault with hardly anything she does.

My husband jokes that he wants to be Colleen because I find everything she does hysterical. And I do.  She’s my sister, she gets a free pass in my book.

Although I am older, I have learned countless lessons from Colleen. She maybe super tiny at only 5’1” and weight I can only dream about, but her presence is significant.


Engage with People

First off, she is literally the person you want at your party.

She is fun and energetic, but doesn’t take over or try to dominate. She’s the perfect balance of extrovert who knows her place in situations.

She likes to be around people, and listens to them when they speak instead of thinking about what she is going to say next. It’s refreshing and draws people to her. I’ve seen it happen time and time again.


Cut the Crap

She’s super kind, but when it comes to family and close friends, she a big fan of calling a spade a spade. She’ll call you on your B.S. and make you a better person for it.

When I needed tough love, my sister was always there to set me straight. You know you’ll always get the truth, wrapped in love, from Colleen.


Quick Wit is Priceless

As I mentioned, my sister is seriously funny.

She dabbles in all kinds of humor, but her quick wit is second to none. I’ve seen her crack up the toughest of crowds with a witty one liner.

I think it’s innate in her and I’m so thankful for that skill. She’s turned plenty of tense situations to laugher with a just a few small words.


Sister with the family

Love Deeply

Colleen is an incredibly loyal friend. When she cares for someone, she cares profoundly and gives her all. She’s there for you no matter what, and when things get tough, she doesn’t feel right until they are resolved. It’s admirable and inspirational.


Be charming AND sincere

We’ve all seen someone try and charm their way out of a situation. Many times, it comes across as fake or insincere. That is not the case with Colleen.

I once saw Colleen get her rental car cost reduced from $450 to $150, and the whole experience was cheerful (and more than a little funny) for both the rental agent and those standing in line.

Bottomline- She may know what she wants and go for it, but she doesn’t want the other person to walk away feeling like they got screwed or used. It’s a subtle balance, and she strikes it beautifully.


Believe in Yourself

For a long time I struggled with low self esteem. One day I was talking to Colleen about it and she gave me some great advice. She said instead of assuming no one is happy to see you, assume everyone is glad you are there. Why assume the worst?

She is totally right. What is the harm in believing you are worthy? The more I practice this, the better life gets.


So clearly I may be the big sister, but she inspires me all the time to grow and see things differently.

I am so blessed that I’ve had the past 30 years with my sister by my side. She’s as good as it gets.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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