Foam Roller for Runners

Foam Roller for Runners

Make the foam roller your best friend and you’ll be happy in the long run.

I know it’s a lot to ask. You’re done with your run, you do the basic stretches, and then you have to get onto the next thing.


But besides running consistently, I think one of the best think you can do to improve your running is to stay committed to stretching after you run… and, of course, use a foam roller regularly.


I say this because I’ve seen the benefits from when I committed to doing it, and I’ve also paid the price when I haven’t made it a priority. Like right now…

Until recently, my running was going great. So great I started to slack on stretching after my runs because I was rushing off to work.

Since a simple calf stretch seemed to take too much time, you know I wasn’t cracking out the foam roller.

Well, slowly over the past few months my calves have become tighter and tighter. Now I’m dealing with some serious pain, including shin splints.


I’m back to the stretching again, and much more systematically.


I use the timer on my phone to make sure I’m holding each stretch for 30 seconds, two times for each leg.

My stretching routine includes hitting all the major muscles including my quads, calves, Achilles heel, hips, and lower back.

I also make sure to include two yoga moves that are really helpful. One which I love- downward dog. And one that I struggle with- pigeon.


But all the stretching isn’t enough if I don’t also commit to foam rolling.


I do my best to do this post-run. And in a perfect world, I even do it a little before I take off for a jog.

But even if that doesn’t work in your schedule, it’s still really beneficial if you can fit in some time during the day.

My favorite time? It’s perfect while catching up on a TV show. It’s mindless stretching that can easily be done catching up on your the long list of recorded shows in your DVR.


So, what foam roller is best for you?


Well there are plenty on the market, but the one I like the best is the Freory 3 in 1 – Large 18 Inch Trigger Point Foam Roller.

The price is just right at only $35 on Amazon. But the best part is you get three foam rollers in one.

The large one provides the nice hard surface to roll out your calves and quads. The second roller has ridges, which are great for those areas that don’t need as much pressure. And the small hand roller is perfect for your shins and other targeted areas.

And make sure to roll out your hips and lower back. The looser these muscles are, the longer your stride can become.


This will definitely make you faster over time. Not to mention, prevent injury.


So, no matter how busy you get, always make time for key stretches and make a date every night with your foam roller. As someone who is painfully aware of how it feels when you slack on these things, I can’t recommend doing them enough!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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