
Holiday Workout

InstaPhysique in Sacramento is a straight up amazing workout.

For those who haven’t been to their beautiful studio on Fair Oaks Blvd in Arden-Arcade, you have to try it out.


First off, I have to say the instructors are super nice, but they are also superheroes in my mind.


The class is no joke. It’s hard, your body shakes, and while anyone can take the class, it takes a very strong and flexible person to lead a class.

And those teachers are my #bodygoals.


The workout you do at InstaPhysique is the Lagree Fitness workout.


It was patented by Sebastien Lagree, who came up with not only the exercise but also the machine you use- the Megaformer.

For first-timers, make sure you get there a little early.

I’d recommend 15 minutes before class starts so you don’t feel rushed. You’ll also need time to pick out some grip socks. These are required for class. They are only $15 and you only need one pair.

Added bonus, if you do something like Daily Method or a Barre class, you can use these socks at those studios as well.

After you’ve got your cute booties, one of the great instructors will show you around the Megaformer.


No need to get intimidated.


Unlike other workouts, there is absolutely no expectation that you will be a pro right out of the gate.

This class is a serious workout. If you are really giving it your all, you should struggle through the first few classes.

I think I did about 4 or 5 before I started to feel a little confidence in some of the moves.

Classes are small and intimate. But again don’t worry about looking bad in front of the 15 or so other people in class. Everyone is working hard on this. I can’t image anyone breezing through an InstaPhysique class.


And class is hard, but the time flies by.


The entire class is only 40 minutes. You will be amazed at how much you work in that short amount of time.

Because it really is a full-body workout, unlike any other type of fitness class you will take.

You work your legs, core, arms, back. Pretty much anything you want to be toned gets a good workout.


Keys to success in a class?


Go slow. Every single move should be done really slow. If you feel like you are inching along with each movement, then you are absolutely doing it right.

And if you aren’t feeling the burn in the muscle the instructor says you’re working on, you’re doing it wrong. I know, because I’ve been there.

When I’m not feeling the burn and my muscle doesn’t start to shake, I look at the instructor or someone who is clearly an InstaPhysique regular and check to see if my form is the same as theirs.

Every time, I need to make an adjustment, and every time I totally start to feel the burn.


But toning and creating long, lean muscle isn’t the only benefit.


This workout is great for people looking to increase their flexibility. As I mentioned numerous times in other posts, I really need to work on my flexibility, but I’m not a fan of yoga.

If you are in the same boat, you’ll love InstaPhysique. (Calling all runners and spin fanatics!)

And if you’re good at yoga, InstaPhysique should help you improve your practice even more, so you’ll love it too.


Bottom line, it is an amazing and challenging workout that really produces results.


And no pressure, but it is the end of February. Those tank tops are going to start making their way to the top of dresser drawers in the next few weeks.

Come to think of it, I need to sign up for my next class- stat.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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