Lessons from Mom

Best Mom

I think most people agree that today is a pretty awesome day, because this year it is the first day of Fall.

Temperatures are starting to cool down, the leaves are changing colors, and the excitement of things like football and Halloween make this season really special.

But today (September 22nd) is even way more fabulous for a completely different reason- It’s my Mom’s birthday.


And when it comes to Moms, I hit the jackpot.


I know you many think I’m bias, and I am. I know others feel that way as well- If you ask any of my friends they would tell you the same thing about their moms.

So what makes my mom so special? The list is countless, but the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that she most definitely loves her family, unconditionally. We can tell her anything, and while it may upset her, we all know she will love us no matter what.

Now that I’m older, I realize how rare that personality type really is. I also know how incredibly lucky I am to have a mom that doesn’t just preach it, she lives it.

But my Mom isn’t just loving and kind to her family- she extends that nature to everyone she knows.

My Dad says my mom can find the good in anyone, and it’s true. She taught us be kind to everyone and never wish people ill-will.


At the same time, my Mom really values honesty.


If you ask what her one rule was for my sister and I growing up, it was to always tell the truth. No matter how bad it was.

And she means it.

She really wants to know. She is not one for putting her head in the sand.

But what is truly amazing about my mom is that if you tell her the truth, she is actually relieved to know, no matter how bad it is. She doesn’t hold things over peoples’ heads, a hard thing to do when you always want the honest truth.


She has also instilled in us that saying your ‘sorry’ doesn’t mean admitting defeat.


It’s actually a good thing. She believes in apologizing when you are wrong, and meanng it.

And if you are on the other end, accept the apology and let it go.

Now that one, I don’t do nearly as well as I wish I would. But I’m working on it!

Beyond being kind to others, she also raised us to be kind to ourselves. She didn’t instill in us that we had to do anything to be special- we were already special. And so is everyone else. No one is better than the next person.

When I was little I would struggle with feelings of inadequacy a lot.


My mom would tell me the probability of being born is so astronomical, how could I not be special?


As an adult, I’ve heard the famous TEDx talk, where Mel Robbins mentioned that scientists estimate the probability of your being born at about one in 400 trillion. Guess mom was pretty spot on!

I never felt like I had to win or be perfect at something to receive her love. I just had to do my best. As my mom’s Dad use to tell her, “even God can’t do better than his best”.

I’m blessed because I’ve always been close with my mom. These realizations of how wonderful she is didn’t come to me later in life and I’ve enjoyed them my whole life.

Being a mother is no easy gig, and being a selfless mom is even more difficult. Somehow my mom manages it all. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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