healthy vacation snacks

healthy vacation snacks

Okay, I will admit it- I’m kind of food hoarder. Or if I spin it in a little more positive way, I know what I like to eat, so I just try and make sure I have it on hand.


I like the second version better.


Either way, when I’m about to go away on vacation I’m a big fan of bringing my favorite snacks with me. I particularly try and do this with the healthier snacks that I enjoy.

And when you are on vacation, you always want to indulge in some fun treats that you don’t otherwise normally enjoy.

I find when I have a few of my favorite snacks that are a little bit on the healthier side, I cut back on some of the less healthy treats over the span of the trip.


With that in mind, here are a few things I find to be a nice treat without blowing up your calorie budget.


Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Blend

I’ve mentioned this before, but I am obsessed. If you haven’t tried it, I can’t recommend it enough. It tastes like yummy frosting, but of course way less sugar and with actual nutritional value.

I’ll treat myself to scoop when I’m craving candy or another sweet treat. It’s also great on bread or a few on a sliced banana. Who knew hazelnut butter could make me so happy?


Mixed Berry Blend Trail Mix

Instead of a hand full of M&Ms, I’m just as happy reaching for some trail mix.

My new favorite is the Sam’s Choice brand of Mixed Berry Blend. It’s a yummy combo of Greek Style yogurt chips, dried cranberries, cashews, almonds, dried cherries, and dried blueberries.

I try and avoid handful after handful, because the calories will add up, but it definitely has more nutritional value than candy.

Also, I find if I have a ¼-cup it calms my hunger better than a cup of vegetables or a piece of fruit.


Good Thins

It’s vacation and who doesn’t want some chips or crackers?

Instead of corn chips or butter crackers, I find I’m just as satisfied with Good Thins.

They are by Nabisco (I found them by the Wheat Thins in the grocery store) and you can have more than 20 chips for about 130 calories. That’s double what you’d get in potato chips for the same amount of calories.

I also like that they come in so many different flavors. I’m a big fan of the sweet potato and veggie blend for snacking. I also like to have the sea salt chips and dip them in hummus for a little added protein.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s vacation and calorie counting is not dominating any trip I go on.


But it is nice to cut where I can so I can go big on the things that really matter. AKA- Nachos and ice creams.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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