Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving at the beach

I believe that Christmas and New Year’s Day are not the only holidays worthy of an “eve”.


And so that makes today Thanksgiving Eve.


You can feel the happiness in the air today, as people get off work a little early, or start their travels to see family and friends.

There are plenty of blogs out there that will give you tips to making Thanksgiving less stressful. And I’ve also seen countless news stories over the past few days about how to avoid politics at the Thanksgiving Day table. I’m sure it’s all useful information.

But I also think there is enough of it out there that one more post about it isn’t needed.


With so much “prepping for the inevitable stress of the holidays,” aren’t we really just creating more stress?


So with that in mind, I’d like to just thank the people that have stumbled on this little blog of mine over the past few months.

It’s been such a joy putting it together. It’s challenged me to grow and do things I never would have done just less than a year ago.


Many times I feel vulnerable or self-conscious when I write and hit the publish button, but so far I’ve lived through it all!


I am my own worst enemy and critic. And through this blog, the negative voice inside me has gotten quieter. It’s been such a gift. If you had asked me when I started this blog what I thought the outcomes would be, that concept wouldn’t have even made it on the list!

I hope to post tomorrow and Friday, but I’m blessed to be able to spend the time with family. So realistically, I’m not sure it will happened.


And I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to thank everyone who has kindly taken time out of their day to read some of my thoughts. It means the world to me.


I hope you have found some things of interest, a few new hints or tips, or maybe even tried something new as a result of taking the time to read my blog.

And on that note, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy family, food, and the beautiful spirit of gratitude!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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