The Only Constant is Change

Today is moving day at my office. I’ve been in this job for a little over a year and this is the second time our department has moved. We’re a huge organization, so by move, I mean from one side of the building to the other, and now down a floor. Pretty basic.


These moves have been easy for me.


First of all, I haven’t been at my job very long so I have minimal things to pack.

Second, change like this doesn’t rattle me. And although I really love my co-workers, some have been very vocal about their dislike of the numerous office shuffles.


While I’m sympathetic, it’s also a good reminder: The only constant is change.


Change Sky



And while I may not struggle with an office change, I’m certainly not someone who embraces change. I don’t get that itch to dye my hair a different color or change up my workout routine. I like my routines and really value consistency.

However, for about a year now I’ve regularly made myself try small new things and get out of my comfort zone. The truth is, I’ve found a number of new things I love.


So, while change is certainly good for me, it definitely isn’t second nature.


Small example- I’m considering trying a new meal plan so I get off this weight plateau I’ve been stuck on for over a year.

One of my biggest hang ups? I really don’t want to change the breakfast I have every day. And by breakfast I mean the really exciting combo of oatmeal and an apple.

This kind of thinking is crazy for many reasons:

  1. While an apple and oatmeal are great, it’s not a breakfast most people generally imagine they can’t live without .
  2. The breakfast options on this new plan look outstanding.
  3. Apples and oatmeal aren’t even off limits on the plan. It’s just changing to healthier steel cut oats over my tried and true brown sugar instant oatmeal.

So you can see, I have some hangups in my life. And apparently a big one is breakfast.


I think this brings up an important point- It’s easy to see where others can improve on how they handle a situation, but hard to see it in ourselves.

In my mind, changing jobs is a big deal, moving office spaces is not. In many people’s minds, making time in the morning to eat breakfast is hard, switching from one kind of oatmeal to another is not. It’s all relative.


And resisting change doesn’t stop it from happening. It just stops it from being easy.


And that being said, if my co-workers can adjust to a new workspace, then I can certainly switch my oatmeal.

Hell, maybe I’ll even try one of the plan’s fruit parfaits. And I promise you, if the scale starts to go down I’ll totally forget about my old stand-by of instant oats.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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